Introduction I’ve built several projects using Pygame, such as a solar system simulation and a Zelda-like dungeon crawler. My biggest frustration has always been the complexity of sharing the projects with others. As a web developer, I’m very accustomed to being able to share my work online. Enter: Pygbag. Demo In case you’re not familiar […]
I recently switched from Plesk to Dokploy as the platform on my VPS for hosting websites. I did this because I felt Dokploy offered more control, leaning into the Docker and build packs approach utilised by many hosting services such as Heroku or Netlify. It is self-hosted and adds no costs beyond my regular VPS […]
This article will assume you have Ubuntu 24.04 installed on your Windows 11 computer via WSL. You should understand the basics of Ubuntu’s package manager apt, as well as the basics for terminal usage. Valet is Laravel’s tool for local development. It simplifies managing Nginx and PHP when working on multiple projects. I’ve always used […]
What Is NAT? In the words of a brief Google search: “NAT stands for Network Address Translation, a service that allows private networks to use the internet and cloud. It works by translating private IP addresses to a public IP address before sending packets to an external network.” To translate that description to the problem […]
Introduction I’ve recently started learning Django, the popular web development framework for Python. Until now, as a PHP developer, I’ve been rather spoiled with the ease of deploying projects thanks to software such as cPanel or Plesk. Having reached the stage of wanting to deploy my first Django project, I realised that Docker would be […]
Introduction I’ve recently started learning Python’s Django framework and have brought my favourite JavaScript framework along with me: TailwindCSS. From a development standpoint, I find that TailwindCSS feels much more efficient when I don’t have to refresh the page every time I make a change. At first, I wasn’t entirely certain about how I could […]
Introduction This is a bit of a minefield topic, as there are a lot of plugins and ‘solutions’ out there that require you to pay money or install bloated software to accomplish something WordPress is designed to handle. In this post, I will show you how to have WordPress generate specific sizes for your images […]
Introduction If, like me, you enjoy writing custom plugins for WordPress, you may know the daunting feeling of managing the versions of your plugins across many websites. While you can use a PHP package manager like Composer for your plugins, this isn’t appropriate for most WordPress deployments. For most, using WordPress’ interface to install and […]
The Issue We’re Resolving When running a Laravel test suite with Livewire components, the default workflow file provided by GitHub for Laravel likely won’t pass. When using their default config, I was presented with errors such as this: The test in question was simply checking if the component was rendered when a certain page was […]
Introduction Since my last update, I’ve been working through a sprint of development with two key objectives: 3D-Rendered Minecraft Skins Previously, there was just a static image of the Hermit on the top-left. While this was fine, I had a few people mention to me that they thought it would have moved. By using a […]