Dockerise Django and NPM with Multi-Stage Builds

Introduction I’ve recently started learning Django, the popular web development framework for Python. Until now, as a PHP developer, I’ve been rather spoiled with the ease of deploying projects thanks to software such as cPanel or Plesk. Having reached the stage of wanting to deploy my first Django project, I realised that Docker would be […]

Dnsmasq Domain Resolution with Docker Compose

Dnsmasq resolves a subtle, but real problem that becomes apparent when adopting Docker Compose as a LAMP stack. By allowing containers to resolve requests to each other with custom domain names, you can ensure that all containers can…

Local PHP development with Docker Compose

Introduction This post will cover how I host local copies of PHP websites running WordPress and Laravel with Docker Compose. This removes the need to install PHP, Composer, Nginx/Apache, MySQL, NPM/Node, etc locally on your host machine. I run my local development environments within Docker to avoid bloating my system. This means all of the […]